Deep carbonization requires critical minerals
Networking in Zoom breakout rooms (630-700 pm)
Mark Lively Award to Peri Ulrey (700-715 pm)
Special Guest, Mark Mills of the Manhattan Institute speaks on Global Demand for Critical Minerals - Key to "Energy Transition" (715-815 pm)
Registration will close on the prior business day, February 9, when registrants also receive the Zoom link.

Global Demand for Critical Minerals - Key to "Energy Transition" Is a wholesale transition to what has been described as a “new energy economy” taking place? Is it inevitable? And what are the consequences of “energy transition” policies and subsidies on the global demand for critical energy minerals?
Peri Cankardes Ulrey is Recipient of the 3rd Mark Lively Award for dedicated support and outstanding service to NCAC-USAEE. Peri served as the 2012-2013 President of NCAC-USAEE and Council Member during 2005-2014 and has been a member since 2003. Also she was an Advisor to the USAEE Strategic Planning Committee in 2013-2014.
Mark Mills is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a faculty fellow at Northwestern University’s engineering school, and a partner in Cottonwood Venture Partners. He writes frequently for the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and numerous other outlets. Mark earlier served as chairman and CTO of ICx Technologies, helping take it public in a 2007 IPO. He is author of Digital Cathedrals: The Information Infrastructure Era (Encounter Books 2020) and Work In The Age Of Robots (Encounter 2018), and earlier co-authored the book, The Bottomless Well, which rose to #1 in Amazon science. He served in the White House Science Office under President Reagan and began his career as an experimental physicist and engineer in semiconductors and fiber optics.
See Mark Mills' commentary published in the Washington Examiner on October 1, 2020.
Peri Cankardes Ulrey has over 25-years of experience in the energy industry. Most recently, as Director and Chief Economist for the Natural Gas Supply Association, she was responsible for preparing quantitative research and analysis that support customer outreach, regulatory filings, legislative hearings, and press releases on issues that stand to impact natural gas producers. She also represented producer interest at Department of Energy’s data collection division and Energy Information Administration in the collection and dissemination of production, storage, and demand data.
Prior to joining NGSA, Peri was a Senior Technical Economic Analyst at the Potomac Electric Power Company, where she was responsible for conducting economic research and statistical analysis on the effects of demand side and energy use management programs on peak demand and energy sales. She also led the development of transmission and distribution marginal costs and prepared cost of service studies. Peri earned a BS in Economics from George Mason University and a MA in Economics from George Washington University. She's also a member of the National Economists Club and Business Trade Association Economists.
How to register:
This event is $10 for members.
$45 for non-members includes the Annual Dinner and participation in NCAC-USAEE for remainder of 2021.
February 17 at noon: Adam Sieminski, President of King Abdullah Petroleum Studies & Research Center, former administrator of US EIA, and former NCAC-USAEE President speaks on The Role of Circular Carbon Economy.
March 2 at noon: Demystifying Environmental Credits when former NCAC-USAEE President and President of Powerhouse, Elaine Levin, hosts featured expert Dr. Michael Walsh of Incubex discussing the basics, what kind of impact programs have had so far, and more recent environmental credits futures that have begun trading.